Cuban American Softball League - president, JM Lorenzo; ph, 305-9391331 - PO Box  45-3134 Miami FL 33245--fax:305-285 2885

  Este viaje se realizo con un grupo de amigos de nuestra liga casl ,familia y amistades.Todos ellos asi como su esposa Ana le rendimos un humilde tributo a nuestro amigo y integrantes del equipo miami, Marcos Vega que descanse en paz por siempre.5/05






still h                       

still hear the songs                         

I still see the lights

I still feel your love

On cold wintery nights


I still share your hopes

And all of your cares

I’ll even remind you

To please say your prayers


I just want to tell you

You still make me proud

You stand head and shoulders

Above all the crowd

ar the songs









Text Box: still h                        
still hear the songs                          
I still see the lights
I still feel your love
On cold wintery nights
I still share your hopes
And all of your cares
I’ll even remind you
To please say your prayers
I just want to tell you
You still make me proud
You stand head and shoulders
Above all the crowd
ar the songs

In Memory of Marcos Vega   5/2005

Merry Christmas From Heaven




Christmas in Heaven

Let me share with you,
What I know you need to hear;
I'm spending Christmas in Heaven
So you need not shed a tear.

In glorious praise to God,
Angels and saints are singing;
Joyous love and peace are shared
While choirs of bells are ringing.

My heart is filled with wonder,
Oh, how I wish you could see;
A Christmas celebration beyond imagine
Which has finally welcomed me.

Now love and keep each other,
Don't shed a tear for me;
This Christmas I'm with Jesus
Where I was meant to be.


Text Box: Christmas in Heaven

Let me share with you,
What I know you need to hear;
I'm spending Christmas in Heaven
So you need not shed a tear.

In glorious praise to God,
Angels and saints are singing;
Joyous love and peace are shared
While choirs of bells are ringing.

My heart is filled with wonder,
Oh, how I wish you could see;
A Christmas celebration beyond imagine
Which has finally welcomed me.

Now love and keep each other,
Don't shed a tear for me;
This Christmas I'm with Jesus
Where I was meant to be.

Keep trying each moment

To stay in His grace

I came here before you

To help set your place


You don’t have to be

Perfect all the time

He forgives you the slip

If you continue the climb


To my family and friends

Please be thankful today

I’m still close beside you

In a new special way


I love you all dearly

Now don’t shed a tear

I’m spending my Christmas

With Jesus this year


Text Box: Keep trying each moment
To stay in His grace
I came here before you
To help set your place
You don’t have to be
Perfect all the time
He forgives you the slip
If you continue the climb
To my family and friends
Please be thankful today
I’m still close beside you
In a new special way
I love you all dearly
Now don’t shed a tear
I’m spending my Christmas
With Jesus this year